In 1667, the industrialist Thomas Foley founded a school where boys develop the skills and attributes required to go out into the wider world and make a difference. In recent times girls joined the sixth form and from 2021 girls attended from the age of 11. The Association was founded in 1929. All former pupils are eligible for membership, whilst staff are honorary members.
The main object of The Old Foleyans' Association is to further the good fellowship that exists between former pupils, and through financial aid, be able to meet the requests for monetary support from the Headmaster towards various school needs and activities. This interactive website aims to keep us all connected. It offers you news, event information, blogs and an archive, as well as a live link to the OFA database.
If you’re a former student of Old Swinford Hospital school, we’d love to know where you are and what you’re up to, please send us your details through the 'Join Us' link on the home page.
As a former student, you’re in a unique position to make a real difference to the school today. If you would like to know more about getting involved or offering your support in any way, please get in touch. This may be by joining the Committee or offering help to pupils and Foleyans with aspects such as career advice. In 2022 we formalized the career advice service to offer a Mentoring and networking service. It has therefore become even more important for us to link with Foleyans in all walks of life to tap into that pool of expertise; and for Foleyans to keep their profiles up to date.
The website has an archive area, so we would be delighted to receive digital pictures and documents that we can share. Please email them to the address above, with a note about them such as dates and names of people in the photographs. The Committee meets through Zoom, so geography is not a limitation to joining.
By submitting information, you consent to receive information from the OFA and the school that may be of interest to you. Please see our
Privacy Policy.
The Committee meets monthly by Zoom, so please don't let geography be an obstacle to joining.
Constitution for the Association
(1) Name
The name of the Association shall be “The Old Foleyans’ Association” (The Association).
(2) Objects
The objects of the Association shall be as follows:
a) To administer and apply the Association funds for the benefit of Old Swinford Hospital (The School), in order to promote educational and recreational activities and any needy Old Boys and Old Girls in any particular manner as shall from time to time be determined.
b) To promote social meeting of Old Boys and Old Girls of the School from time to time in order to raise funds for the Association.
c) To consider any matter affecting the School, its pupils or its Old Boys and Old Girls which may be referred to the Association by the Feoffees, the Governors or Headmasters.
(3) Powers
In furtherance of such objects but not otherwise, the Association or their representatives may:-
a Arrange and provide for, or join in arranging and providing for, the holding of exhibitions, meetings, lectures, classes, seminars and training courses.
b) Undertake, execute, manage or assist any charitable trusts which may lawfully be undertaken, executed, managed or assisted by the Association.
c) Procure to be written and print, publish, issue gratuitously or otherwise, such papers, books, pamphlets or other document or films or recorded material as shall further such objects.
d) Purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any property and any rights and privileges necessary for the promotion of such objects.
e) Sell, let, mortgage, dispose of or turn to account all or any of the property or assets of the Association.
f) Accept gifts and borrow or raise money for such objects on such terms and on such security as shall be thought fit.
g) Procure contributions to the Association by personal or written appeals, public meetings or otherwise.
h) Invest the money of the Association not immediately required for such objectives in such or on such investments, securities or property as may be thought fit, subject nevertheless to such conditions (if any) as may for the time being be imposed or required by the law.
i) Do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the attainment of such objects.
(4) Membership
a) Old Boys and Old Girls of the School shall be deemed to be voting members of the Association on receipt of subscription as defined in section (8) of these rules
subject to the absolute discretion of the Committee.
b) Life Vice Presidents
c) Associate members who shall be non-voting members and shall not be liable to pay subscriptions:-
i) Feoffees and Governors of the School
ii) Past and present Masters and Mistresses of the School
d) A register shall be kept of the names and addresses of the members as last notified in writing to the Membership Secretary.
(5) General Meetings
a) An Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the members shall be held at least once in each calendar year upon at least two weeks written notice to the membership. At such a meeting, Committee members shall resign and the present shall elect members to replace those retiring.
The Committee members to retire shall be those who have been longest in office and lots shall be drawn between those of equal seniority. Committee members shall be eligible for re-election.
b) The method of election shall be by show of hands unless otherwise requested by a member of the Association in which event a secret ballot shall be held.
c) An Extra-ordinary General Meeting may be called by ten fully paid up members applying in writing to the Secretary stating the reason for such a meeting and detailing the wording of the proposed resolution(s). An Extra-ordinary General Meeting thus called must be notified to the membership within fourteen days of receipt of the written request and the meeting held no earlier than two weeks and no later than six weeks after such notification.
(6) Officers
The officers of the Association, who must be members, shall, with the exception of the Vice-Chairman (who shall be the Headmaster), be elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting and shall be:-
President, Vice President, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer and such other officers as the Association shall from time to time decide.
(7) Committee
The policy affairs of the Association shall be managed by a committee, which shall consist of no more than sixteen members, except as allowed in (7) b) below, including the officers as defined in clause (6) above. The Committee shall conduct the business as it thinks fit and shall meet at least six times every year. The quorum shall be not less than six members of the total membership of the Committee. Minutes of every meeting shall be kept by the Secretary. Attendance by each Committee member shall be at least 50% of total meetings in any year. The Committee shall have the following powers:-
a) To conduct bank accounts, employ staff, take premises and do such other things as may be necessary to manage the business of the Association.
b) To co-opt no more than two additional members of the Association to become Committee members
c) In any case of a casual vacancy the Committee shall have the power to fill the vacancy until the next AGM.
d) The Committee shall have power to revoke and return the membership of anyone who, in the decision of the Committee, has brought the Association into disrepute. Any such action will be subject to an appeal by the named person to be brought before the assembly at the next calendar AGM.
(8) Subscriptions
Life subscriptions shall be available at the rates laid down from time to time by the Committee.
(9) Funds
a) All monies received from subscriptions, donations or other fund raising events organised by the Association shall be allocated to the various funds of the Association as the Committee may from time to time decide. No member shall receive any monies from the Association funds except those to reimburse reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, or in the pursuance of the objectives of the Association as defined in clause (2).
b) The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of the Association. These accounts shall be independently audited and presented to the members at the AGM. Proper books of account shall be maintained and regular financial statements shall be produced for examination by the Committee and by the other body legally empowered to require them.
c) Bank accounts shall be opened in the name of the Association. The Committee shall authorise in writing the Treasurer, Secretary, Chairman and one other member of the Committee to sign cheques on behalf of the Association. All cheques must be signed by any two of the authorised signatories.
(10) Financial Year
The financial year of the Association shall end on 30 April.
(11) Amending Rules
These rules may be amended at any time by a majority vote of at least 75% of the members present and voting at an Extra-ordinary General Meeting.
(12) Winding Up
The members may resolve to windup and/or dissolve the Association if it becomes necessary or advisable to do so on grounds of expense or otherwise. Any such resolutions shall be put forward at the Annual / Extra-ordinary General Meeting. Following this a postal ballot of the membership shall be undertaken.
Upon a winding up and/or dissolution the Committee shall have the power to dispose of any assets held by, or on behalf of any, the Association. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such charitable institution(s) having objects similar to those of the Association as the Committee may determine.