The Reunion took place 50 years after the year group started at OSH in September 1968. 27 old boys returned, which accounts for nearly half the year group. 4 absentees sent video messages, as they lived abroad. 15 partners came. People had travelled from all points of the compass, from Newcastle to Cornwall and abroad to Sweden. The video messages were largely from the USA.The day comprised watching the 1st XV play rugby followed by lunch and tours of the school. Mr Len Krukowski (age 95) the Mathematics teacher came for tea to everyone's delight. After tea, everyone took part in a quiz, with questions based on the years we were at OSH, and the subjects we were taught at school. The day ended with a speech from the Headmaster, Paul Kilbride, and a meal in the Great Hall.Many old boys brought items from their time at the school which were copied and will be added to the school archive. Many anecdotes were exchanged from memories of the years at OSH, however one particularly common memory was the retirement speech of the Deputy Headmaster Mr Bartlett, given the nickname 'Spud'. Spud Bartlett hoped that all the boys would align their lives with Standards, and Persevere in their endeavours, with a Unity of purpose and Devote themselves to helping others. The initial letters, of course, spelt out his nickname, which left an indelible memory on all those listening, as they worked out the twist in the speech. At the end of the meal a toast was made to 'Absent Friends' remembering colleagues who had died.One colleague commented after the event just how close we still were, because of those few years together at school. It certainly took no time at all for everyone to feel very comfortable in each other’s company and the surroundings. When people had prepared their video messages they commonly commented on how grateful they were for their time at OSH and the platform it provided them for the future.About a quarter of the year group could not be contacted and as a future event is being planned if you know of anyone in the year group who started in 1968 and finished in 1975 who would like to keep in touch, please contact us through the email on the homepage at www.oldfoleyans.com.